Home Video Games Porn Star Reviews Rumble Message for the Xbox 360

Porn Star Reviews Rumble Message for the Xbox 360

The XBOX Live Marketplace has a new game available for download called Rumble Message.

The game is available for 200 points.

It is designed so you can put a controller behind your neck and feel the soothing vibrations of the Xbox 360 controller. You also have the ability to control the rumble intensity and pulse of the controller. It includes 2 3 and 4 controller support.

What happens when you mix a porn star with Microsoft’s Rumble Message? Well our friends at G4tv gives us the answer…

“I think if Steve Jobs made it, I would use it somewhere that’s not my back” – Ouch! Take that Bill Gates!

Hit the jump for the video (Rated PG-13: Safe For Work)


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