Home Things To Do In Winnipeg Manitoba Provincial Parks Free for 2009/2010

Manitoba Provincial Parks Free for 2009/2010

Manitoba Provincial Parks will be free for 2 years (2009-2010) to encourage tourism around our wonderful province!

“In tough economic times, families may look for recreation closer to home, so we would like to encourage all Manitobans and visitors to Manitoba to enjoy and explore our provincial parks.”

These parks include:
* Asessippi
* Bakers Narrows
* Grand Beach
* Manipogo
* Rainbow Beach
* Turtle Mountain
* Whiteshell

The regular rates for Provincial Parks are $7 for a day pass, and $28 for a annual park passes. Manitobans and tourists are expected to save an estimated $2.6 million.

Park rates will be reinstated on April 30, 2011.

Today is the opening day for all Manitoba provincial parks. With Grand Beach (Rated one of the Worlds Best Beaches by Playboy Magazine) now free, expect parking or finding a piece of sand to lay on to be much more difficult. We would always try to cram 8 people into one car to save on the $7 pass, but with it now being free, there’s no more need to hide anyone in the trunk.


Image Bird Hills Park Flowers Originally uploaded by heidigoseek

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