Bike to Work Day

Bike to Work Day will be taking place Friday June 19th.

This is a great opportunity for all of you who do not bike to work to do so. This year will be the same as last with breakfast for the first 300 people registered at The Forks, along with numerous stations around town where bikers could stop for a refreshment. They have added four “Bike Oasis” location this year where people can meet up and begin there commute together. Cyclist will be shown dedicated active transportation routes and also safety tips when sharing the road with vehicles. If you have any fears about commuting on your bike, this is an awesome place to start.

I did attend last year and it was a pretty awesome event. Since it’s now easier to walk to work than bike, I won’t be partaking in the event, but I will be there doing registration and bike valet.

Check out for more information about the event and to register.

Image Surly Long Haul Trucker touring bike Originally uploaded by insidestory

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