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Happy New Year!!!

2009. With a mere 12 hours (when this was posted) left, I decided to take a quick look back at the year that was.

With what seemed like an entire year of negative news (H1N1, crashing economy, war in Iraq STILL going on, MJ/FF/EM passed away, etc) it seems 2009 was nothing to be thankful for. However, if you stop and think, 2009 turned out to be a better year than most people would care to admit.
I can think of a few things that made 2009 memorable for me. Here are just a few;

I kept my job (as did most of my friends) despite the poor economy across the Country (and World), my grandma and grandpa both celebrated their 90th birthdays, I spent some quality time in Vancouver and Calgary with friends/family, moved to a super-nice place (with no sketchy roommates), sold 2 of my 5 cars and bought a nice 4X4, met new friends (albeit possibly more crazy than existing ones) and stayed healthy (despite not getting the H1N1 shot)!!!

And lastly (and possibly most importantly), all my friends and family still alive and kicking.
I hope your 2009 was as great as mine and wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2010!!!

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