Home Around The Web University of Winnipeg Loves Contra

University of Winnipeg Loves Contra

The University of Winnipeg DCE web developers apparently LOVE Konami’s Contra.

They’ve put an easter egg (Easter Egg = Hidden Feature) on their website that gives you access to a hidden section of the site.

What’s in the hidden section you ask? We’ll you’ll have to to try it to find out!

1. Go to the University of Winnipeg DCE Website
2. Make sure your mouse is not in any text fields (just click on the background to make sure)
3. Press the Konami/Contra cheat code on your keyboard (Up arrow, Up arrow, Down arrow, Down arrow, Left arrow, Right arrow, Left arrow, Right arrow, B, A)

You’ll now be redirected to a hidden page on the site. Facebook also has a similar easter egg.

Shout out to our friends at the U of W DCE! You guys rock. Make sure to follow them on twitter @uwinnipegDCE.

Image uw Originally uploaded by AccessWinnipeg

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