Home Goldenboy Deals Xbox 360 $129 Almost Everwhere

Xbox 360 $129 Almost Everwhere

A quick follow up to our last post about the Xbox 360 being $128 at Walmart. It looks like all other retailers will be doing the same thing and having the Xbox 360 Arcade edition for only $129 starting March 12, 2010. It doesn’t look like this is a permanent price drop issued by Microsoft so expect the deal to only last a week.

Retailers selling for $129 include Walmart, Future Shop, Best Buy, Staples, Superstore, and Zellers.

Good luck! But I’m sure with the various stores selling them, you won’t have any problem finding stock. As we noted before, the Arcade edition does not come with a hard drive. You’ll have to jump on one of your favourite classified websites to find one. I don’t recommend buying one from a store since they are amazingly over priced.

Image Xbox 360 Originally uploaded by A Hermida

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