Home Sports No NBA 3on3: Ballers Unite This Year?

No NBA 3on3: Ballers Unite This Year?

It doesn’t look like there will be an NBA 3on3 Ballers Unite (Hoop It Up) this year. The annual NBA 3 on 3 tournament at the Red River Ex grounds usually takes place weeks before the Red River Ex, but with the Ex just around the corner, it doesn’t look like its happening this year.

I’m sure this comes as a big disappointment for basketball fans in Winnipeg. No solid news to why it didn’t return this year, but rumour is that attendance/registration around Canada last year had dropped significantly from previous years. I had a chance to attend Winnipeg’s event last year and attendance was strong… so we can blame other Canadian provinces for the cancellation.

Don’t forget that Basketball Manitoba features various leagues and tournaments you can join! Visit http://www.basketballmanitoba.ca/ for more details.

UPDATE: 3on3 WILL be returning to Winnipeg this year as NBA Jam Session and as a 18+ competition.

Image ballers Originally uploaded by AccessWinnipeg

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