Home Music PHOTOS: Drake Live in Winnipeg

PHOTOS: Drake Live in Winnipeg

Here are some photos of Drake rocking the Centennial Concert Hall last night. These were the best pictures I can get with my Point & Shoot – no SLR action this time around.

We were told that when asked how the show was… to simple respond with It was Fireworks.

Shout out to all the followers on Twitter that tried to help me out before the show with my camera settings… Eventually I couldn’t figure it out so I just shot in auto-mode, they turned out OK.

We’ve got a bunch more photos on the way as well as a bunch of video. Unfortunately we had some tech difficulties with the audio on our video (we were too close to the speakers and the bass drowned out everything).

HELP NEEDED: If you have some decent audio from the concert (any at all) or video where we can extract the audio from, shoot us a message or a youtube link to your video. In the end we will be merging your audio with our video. We’ve got some awesome prizes in our prize vault that we can give you in return!

9AM in Dallas
Show Me a Good Time
Lust For Life
Money to Blow
Lose My Mind
I’m Going In
Every Girl
Bed Rock
A Night Off
Say Something
Find Your Love
Best I Ever Had

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Image Drake (Live in Winnipeg 2010) Originally uploaded by AccessWinnipeg

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