Home Concert Announcements Arcade Fire Coming to Winnipeg Sept 23

Arcade Fire Coming to Winnipeg Sept 23

Canadian rock band Arcade Fire will be performing at MTS Centre on Thursday, September 23, 2010 to promote their latest album The Suburbs.

The band was last in Winnipeg in 2005 and played at the Burton Cummings Theatre. Since then, they have grown and can now support at a crowd at one of Winnipeg’s biggest venues.

Arcade Fire is fronted by the husband and wife duo Win Butler and Régine Chassagne.

Win Butler
Régine Chassagne
Richard Reed Parry
William Butler
Tim Kingsbury
Sarah Neufeld
Jeremy Gara

Tickets range from $41.75 – $57.75 and go on sale Friday, August 20.

Use the presale password MUSIC to purchase your tickets now! Password expires at 10:00pm on Thursday, August 19.


Image Arcade Fire, Hovefestivalen 2010 Originally uploaded by NRK P3

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