RIM officially announced the BlackBerry PlayBook yesterday, the worlds first BlackBerry Internet Tablet. It will rival against Apples iPad in the tablet world. As an Apple fan, I must admit, the specs are VERY impressive!
# Full Adobe® Flash® 10.1 enabled
# Built-in support for HTML 5
# 7″ LCD display, 1024 x 600 screen resolution
# 5.1″ x 7.6″ x 0.4″ (130mm x 194mm x 10mm)
# 0.9 lbs (400g)
# Built-in microUSB connector
# Multi-touch capacitive screen
# Wi-Fi® 802.11 a/b/g/n
# Video conferencing
# 3 MP high definition forward-facing camera
# 5 MP high definition rear-facing camera
# 1080p HD video; H.264, MPEG4, WMV HDMI video output
# 16GB and 32GB models
# Push technology
# Email, calendar, BBM™, tasks, documents and more
# 1 GHz dual-core processor
# Out-of-the-box compatibility with BlackBerry® Enterprise Server
Very impressive indeed. A few things I’m still very interested in is battery life… the iPad is sporting a 10 hour battery life playing continuous video… I have my doubts that a dual-core processor tablet will be able to hold the same kind of life. But RIM is an innovating company and they can definitely release products that will impress.
The tablet isn’t expected to be released until Q1 of 2011 – which I think is a mistake on RIM’s part. They split their beans early, and now Apple has around 5 months to create a better product in the iPad 2.
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Image landing_bg1-2 Originally uploaded by AccessWinnipeg