Home Presale Passwords U2 Winnipeg Concert Presale Information

U2 Winnipeg Concert Presale Information

There has been a lot of confusion regarding presale information for the U2 concert in Winnipeg on May 29, 2011. It seems that Live Nation/Ticketmaster had published some wrong information but has recently corrected it.

There will be no public presale for the U2 Winnipeg concert. The only presale that will be available is a U2.com Members only presale.

The U2.com Member presale starts Thursday, October 21 at 10am and is available for everyone. The only catch is you have to purchase a U2.com Membership with your tickets. The U2.com Membership is an additional $60, but you can purchase up to 4 presale tickets with it.

So between 4 people, it is an additional $15 each. With the expected demand of the show, there isn’t any need for a public presale to promote the concert.

Best of luck getting your tickets!

Thanks for the tip Diane


Image Bono arrives at the BBC Originally uploaded by radio1interactive

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