Home Events Brief Encounter @ MTC

Brief Encounter @ MTC

Manitoba Theatre Centre presents Brief Encounter at The John Hirsch Theatre Mainstage from January 5th through January 29th. Tickets range from $35 to $70 depending on age, date and seat section.

Here is an excerpt from the MTC website:

After a chance meeting with a doctor evolves into a spell-binding romance, a married woman must choose between the family she loves and the man who has reawakened her passion for life. Laura and Alec cannot resist each other’s company and live for Thursdays, when they get together to see a film or sip champagne.

Emma Rice’s clever adaptation remains true to the tender and suspenseful film while creating a breathtaking original production with awe-inspiring projections, music hall performances and puppets, switching seamlessly between theatre and the silver screen.

Check out MTC’s website for more information and to purchase tickets.

Image Brief-Encounter Originally uploaded by AccessWinnipeg

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