Home Presale Passwords Katy Perry Winnipeg Presale Password

Katy Perry Winnipeg Presale Password

I’ve been getting a lot of requests for the Katy Perry presale password. Here’s some information that will help you with your purchase.

There will be two separate presales: an American Express Front of the Line presale (which is on now) and a Virgin Mobile presale (Wednesday at 10am).

The Amex Front of the Line presale is on now and is available to anyone with an American Express card. However, seats are now limited to the 300-level, you might want to wait for the Virgin Mobile presale.

The Virgin Mobile presale begins Wednesday, January 26, 2011 for all Katy Perry shows. Head to the Virgin Mobile website to access a presale password. You will have to be a Virgin Mobile customer (or know someone who is) to get access to the password. Right now, it’s impossible to tell what seats will be available. It probably wont go live until Wednesday morning.

REMEMBER: From my past experiences, presale passwords don’t usually have the best seats available. If you want great seats, then wake up early for the general sale or purchase vip tickets.

General sale is this Friday, January 28.

Image beerentone-katy Originally uploaded by AccessWinnipeg

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