Home Car Scene Deer Collisions Becoming an Issue in Winnipeg City Limits

Deer Collisions Becoming an Issue in Winnipeg City Limits

Image deer – Uploaded by Scary Cow

Did you know that an average of 410 vehicles hit deer in the city each year? According to Manitoba Public Insurance claims data, October and November are the two worst months for deer/vehicle collisions in Manitoba.

The city’s public works sub-committee have agreed to do a study on the issue. Possible solutions will be to install fences along roadways and adjusting speed limits where high deer crossing occur.

In the mean time, here are a few tips to keep you safe:

Slow down
* when you see wildlife crossing signs
* especially at dawn, dusk and at night
* where brush and tall grass grow near the road
* drive at a speed at which you will be able to stop within the zone of your headlights

Watch carefully
* scan the roadside for animals — get your passengers to help
* watch for the reflection of headlights in the eyes of a deer, or a dark silhouette
* use your high beams at night but remember to dim them for traffic coming the other way and when following another vehicle closely

If an animal crosses…
* dim your headlights—your brights may cause a deer to freeze on the road
* slow down and be prepared to stop
* blow your horn to scare the animal away
* avoid hard swerving—you may lose control
* brake firmly to reduce the impact between an animal and your vehicle

If you hit an animal…
* don’t touch it—it may hurt you
* move your car off the road if possible, and call the police or have someone call for you

And remember: wearing your seatbelt is one of the best ways to prevent injury in any collision.

Click here for a map of top deer crash areas in Winnipeg. [METRO WINNIPEG] [MPI]

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