Home Development Possible Discoloured Water This Week in Northeast Winnipeg

Possible Discoloured Water This Week in Northeast Winnipeg

Possible Discoloured Water This Week in Northeast Winnipeg
Image Tap Water – Uploaded by jcheng

From Tuesday, July 31 – Friday, August 3, 2012 scheduled water main work will be performed in a large water main on Molson Street at Grassie Boulevard.

Water service will not be disrupted, but tap water may be temporarily discoloured for some residents in North Kildonan, Harbourview and the north part of Elmwood/East Kildonan.

The discoloured water should not last long. The discolouration is caused by sediments and isn’t a health concern. It shouldn’t make you sick – but drinking it is highly not recommended. Discoloured water may not smell, taste or look pleasant, and can stain laundry.

If discoloured water persists for more than two to three hours, residents should call 311.

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