Home Night Life One Great City Brewing Co Opens in Polo Park Area

One Great City Brewing Co Opens in Polo Park Area

One Great City Brewing Co Opens in Polo Park Area
Image by basecampbaker

It is peak times for brew pubs in Winnipeg. And so it continues this week when the soft opening for One Great Brewing Company happens Thursday at 6 PM for a soft opening. They are 1596 Ness Avenue in what used to be the old Toys R Us building in Madison Square. It is close to Polo Park.

The loosening up of the rules has brought many craft artisans into the business, And why not. The tastes of the beer crowd have expanded from the times when only three major beer companies dominated the country. There is far more choice including smaller local breweries but we have been devoid of local brew pubs save for a few tentative steps towards that in the past. Now the choices are going to be substantial.

Brew pubs allow for a truly local experience. It shows a evolving market over an old style beverage room with the windows blacked out, a tiny table, wobbly chairs and glasses with MLCC on them. The One Great Brewing Company at Madison Square will create an attractive option in the Polo Park area.

It is a tough market for restaurants but creativity and artistry will go along way to establish a real local flavour. Winnipeg needs more of this entrepreneurship.

This has been a editorial by John Dobbin.
To read more from John, visit his blog Observations, Reservations, Conversations

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