Home Health New Marijuana Legislation Sets Rules and Age Limits

New Marijuana Legislation Sets Rules and Age Limits

New Marijuana Legislation Sets Rules and Age Limits
Image by vardolath

New legislation tabled by the Manitoba Government will shed more light on how the province will handle the sale of marijuana.

The minimum age to purchase marijuana will be 19 years old. The federal government allows provinces to set the age as low as 18. It will be illegal to sell or provide anyone under age with marijuana. It will also be illegal for minors to posses it.

“By setting the legal minimum purchase recreational use of cannabis at 19 years of age, the Manitoba government has demonstrated its commitment to safe and healthy school communities students can continue to grow and learn through to graduation,” said Ken Cameron, president of the Manitoba School Boards Association.

It will also be illegal to grow marijuana at home in Manitoba. Anyone found with plants will be guilty of a provincial offence and subject to a fine. The federal standard allows home owners to group up to four plants, each no more than a metre tall, but the provincial legislation in Manitoba will over-rule that.

Medical marijuana fall under different rules which will be announced at a later date.

Municipalities in Manitoba also have the right to prohibit the sale of marijuana in they wish.

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