Home Car Scene MPI Sending an Additonal 9,600 COVID-19 Rebate Cheques Due to System Error

MPI Sending an Additonal 9,600 COVID-19 Rebate Cheques Due to System Error

Was your MPI COVID-19 rebate cheque less than you were expecting? Well that’s because a system error in determining some rebate amounts.

MPI did a recalculation and will be sending out a second round of rebate cheques. There will be 9,600 cheques amounting to $253,000. The new cheques are already in the mail and will arrive soon.

Back in June, MPI returned around $110 million to policy holders to help with COVID-19 relief. The rebate cheques was about 11 per cent, or between $140 to $160, per policyholder.

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