The City of Winnipeg will begin reopening indoor pools that were previously closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Pools will open Monday, March 29, 2021 at 25 percent capacity for aquatic sports groups, lane swimming, aquatic fitness classes, and limited public swimming.
The following indoor pools will begin opening on March 29:
- Bonivital
- Cindy Klassen Recreation Complex
- Elmwood Kildonans
- Kinsmen Sherbrook
- Margaret Grant
- Pan Am
- Sergeant Tommy Prince Place
- Seven Oaks
- St. James Assiniboia Centennial
- Transcona Kinsmen Centennial
Eldon Ross Pool and St. James Civic Centre will remain closed.
Anyone wanting to use a pool are encouraged to book time blocks prior to arriving at the location, as there is no guarantee of available blocks for registration upon arrival, due to capacity restrictions.
Blocks will be offered on a week-by-week basis and reservations can be made up to 30 minutes in advance of the pre-reserved time (space permitting). Every Thursday, another week of swim and fitness blocks will be added to what’s available for registration.
Register at leisureONLINE to reserve an available block, or call 311 for assistance in registering.