Home Night Life Wine, Vodka, Whiskey Bottles, and More Coming to Manitoba Beer Vendors

Wine, Vodka, Whiskey Bottles, and More Coming to Manitoba Beer Vendors

The Manitoba Government is introducing new legislation that will increase convenience for customers looking to purchase liquor products.

With these changes, Winnipeggers will be able to purchase spirits at up to 70 new locations in Winnipeg. Wine products would be available in up to 62 new locations in Winnipeg.

“These changes will increase convenience for consumers across Manitoba by allowing all existing liquor retailers to expand their product offerings to all liquor categories,” said Natural Resources and Northern Development Minister Scott Fielding. “The proposed changes would eliminate unnecessary retail restrictions on consumers and allow Manitoba’s existing liquor retail licence holders, the vast majority of which are locally owned small businesses, to grow their businesses by selling the full line of MBLL products.”

Currently, hotel vendors can only sell beer, cider and refreshment beverages. The new change will allow current licence holders (beer vendors) the option to transition to a new liquor store licence, which would allow them to sell a full range of liquor products and remove the requirement to operate a hotel.

The proposed legislation will also allow specialty wine stores to expand their product offerings to spirits and beer products.

Liquor Mart stores and duty-free shops will continue to operate alongside these new liquor stores. Click here to read the full release from the Government of Manitoba.

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