Home Movies $4 Movie Tickets to Celebrate National Cinema Day on August 27, 2023

$4 Movie Tickets to Celebrate National Cinema Day on August 27, 2023

To celebrate National Cinema Day on August 27, 2023, various movie theaters across Canada will be selling movie tickets for only $4.

You’ll be able to watch any movie, in any format, for only $4. This includes 3D, IMAX, DBOX and other premium formats. Tickets can be purchased in advance, but the screening date must be for Sunday, August 27, 2023.

Participating theatres in Winnipeg include:

  • Cinema City Northgate
    Winnipeg MB, R2V 3C4
  • Cineplex Junxion Kildonan Place
    Winnipeg MB, R2C 4J2
  • Cineplex Odeon McGillivray Cinemas and VIP
    Winnipeg MB, R3Y 1S6
  • Landmark 8 Grant Park
    Winnipeg MB, R3M 2A6
  • Scotiabank Theatre Winnipeg
    Winnipeg MB, R3G 3L9
  • SilverCity St. Vital Cinemas
    Winnipeg MB, R2M 5E5

Advance tickets are expected to go live on Wednesday, August 23. Visit https://www.nationalcinemaday.ca to purchase your tickets once they are available.

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