Home Food Roll Up the Rim to Win

Roll Up the Rim to Win

Everyone’s favourite game is back. Tim Horton’s Rrroll Up the Rim to Lose Win promotion starts today (March 1, 2010).

This years grand prizes are 40 Toyota Rav4’s (Recall free I hope), 100 $10,000 cash prizes, and 1,000 Toshiba Netbooks (A grand prize is a Netbook?!? Really?!? Aren’t those things like $300?)

They also have the regular food and gift card prizes. As you can tell, I’m a bit disappointed with this years prizes, a more reason to get FREE coffee at McDonalds instead!

Good luck!

SOURCE: Girl driving beside me in a Civic drinking her Tim Horton’s coffee this morning.

Image 365-318 (I’m a wiener!) Originally uploaded by knittinging

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