Though the Serbian KOLO Pavilion featured a small cultural display, there was no shortage of relevance and back stories to each and every item. The ambassadors and hosts were very friendly and gave everyone coming into the venue a warm welcome.
A common theme amongst performances was the amount of energy each dancer put into the number. Ages of the performers range from old to young and your heart will definitely melt when children perform a traditional version of “ring around the rosy”.
A live band accompanied most of the performances to give the soundtrack an extra kick. The final dance performance was nothing short of high energy and intensity. It was impressive to see how quick the dancers feet were able to move yet still remain in sync with one another! A great way to end the show!
The Belgrade Beer Fest is an annual festival of beer in Belgrade, Serbia. Each and every year, Jelen wins the title for Best Beer of the festival – so it’s definitely the drink you must try when at the Pavilion.
Food You Must Try: Coconut Square Cake (layered chocolate/vanilla sponge cake with sweet coconut topping)
Drink You Must Try: Jelen Pivo Beer
Official Pavilion Information:
Location: St. James Civic Centre, 2055 Ness Ave. (Located at the corner of Woodlawn & Ness)
Show Time:
Sun – Fri 6:45, 8:15, 9:45pm
Sat 6:45, 8:15, 9:45, 11:00pm
* See link below for official times
Sun, Sat 4:30pm – 11:00pm
Mon – Fri 6:00pm – 11:00pm
Pavilion Sponsor:
The Serbian Cultural Society KOLO Inc.
Pavilion Coordinator:
Srdjan Marić
Adult Ambassadors:
Biljana Muncan
Zoran Vicovac
Youth Ambassadors:
Masha Miric-Calkic
Jelena Dobric
Welcome to our friendly, colourful, fun and entertaining pavilion. Our volunteers and KOLO dancers are ready to offer you a unique bold feast for your senses. Impressive costumes, spirited and energetic dances, so many to choose from, it is never the same show twice. While you watch fast paced dances, enjoy a slow cooked sarma (cabbage rolls), slow roast pork, stuffed peppers or varieties of pitas (pies). For your sweet tooth try our homemade crepes and cookies. At the bar you’ll find imported Serbian spirits like Sokolova fruit brandies, Manastirka plum brandy, Jelen beer and varieties of wines. The best reasons to come: unique dances, lots of wonderful food and drinks offered by very friendly people. On the way out, make sure to stop by our ethnic food market to take home a taste of Serbia. Ziveli! Cheers! [FOLKLORAMA: SERBIAN KOLO PAVILION]