Victoria Day (in French: FĂȘte de la Reine) is a federal Canadian statutory holiday celebrated on the last Monday before or on May 24, in honour of both Queen Victoria’s birthday and the current reigning Canadian sovereign’s official birthday, and is also considered an informal mark of the beginning of the summer season.

It has been observed since before Canada was formed, originally falling on the sovereign’s actual birthday, and continues to be celebrated in various fashions across the country on the fixed date of the first Monday on or before 24 May. Royal Salutes, or 21-gun salutes, are fired in each provincial capital and in the national capital at noon on Victoria Day to mark the Sovereign’s Birthday. However, since the Quiet Revolution in Quebec, the same day was unofficially known in the province as FĂȘte de Dollard until 2003, when provincial legislation officially named the same date as Victoria Day the National Patriots’ Day.


Image Queen Victoria – Windsor Castle Originally uploaded by neilalderney123