We had the opportunity to attend the screening of THE AVENGERS last night and have only one word to sum it all up: AMAZING.
But since one word can’t do it justice, here are a few point-form notes without any spoilers:
– Great character build up. You’d think that in a movie about 6 superheros, one character would lack a story line… but the movie does a great job engaging the audience with each superhero. Every hero had a huge role in the movie and non were left behind.
– Villain build up at the beginning of the movie was a bit of a drag… the movie doesn’t really pick up until 10-15 minutes into it.
– With the character build up, there’s no real need to watch the other Marvel movies (Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America). However, the storyline revolves around Loki, brother of Thor. If you’re going to watch one of them, then Thor should be the one you watch before seeing THE AVENGERS.
– As soon as The Avengers began to assemble, there was no lack of action. CGI/green screen at very few scenes could have been better – but I think it may have been the 3D making it look fake.
– There was a lot of comedy. If you thought Tony Stark was funny in the Iron Man movies, then you’ll love this one.
– Surprisingly, none of the hero’s romantic interests got integrated into the main storyline. No worries, romance should be the last thing you expect in a superhero super movie.
– The hero vs hero fight scenes are EPIC. Something that looks straight out of a Marvel vs. Capcom videogame.
– FINAL POINT: NEVER leave a Marvel movie when the end credits role… there’s always a sneak peek at the next movie
– FINAL FINAL POINT: Do not leave a Marvel movie until the cleaners start cleaning! Apparently there’s more extra footage at the absolute end of the credits. I missed it!
A MUST watch for 2012. Marvel, comic-book, and movie fans will not be disappointed.
Thursday midnight shows in Winnipeg:
– Empire Theatres Grant Park (3D)
– Silver City Polo Park (3D, IMAX 3D)