With a heat wave ready to stroll through the Province, Manitobans are reminded to practice heat and sun safety throughout the summer.
Here are a few tips from the Province to keep you safe during Manitoba’s hot weather temperatures.
When the temperature rises, heat illnesses can be prevented by:
* drinking plenty of water or other liquids before feeling thirsty;
* avoiding too much sun and preventing sunburn;
* planning energetic outdoor activities for cooler parts of the day;
* finding a cool place to go;
* taking a cool bath or shower;
* checking on family members, neighbours and friends when it gets hot, especially older adults and people with chronic conditions;
* not leaving dependents or pets alone in closed vehicles or direct sunlight; and
* limiting alcohol consumption.
Manitobans can protect themselves from exposure to UV rays by:
* wearing a broad-brimmed hat and appropriate clothing to reduce sun exposure, especially between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.;
* applying sunscreen with a minimum SPF 15, to all exposed skin, according to the instructions on the label;
* reapplying sunscreen at regular intervals, especially if in the water or sweating;
* covering babies and keeping them in the shade, and avoid using sunscreen on babies;
* wearing sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection; and
* avoiding the use of artificial UV tanning equipment.