The public is advised that the plowing of residential streets will begin Tuesday morning, January 15 at 7:00 a.m. to improve the overall condition of residential streets. As a result, a Residential Parking Ban has been declared and will be in effect starting Tuesday morning.
Residents are urged to confirm their snow zone letter of the alphabet at www.knowyourzone.winnipeg.ca or by contacting 311. Starting at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday morning, January 15, residents of snow zones E, F, H, K, P, S, U will need to move their vehicles as plowing will be underway in those zones until 7:00 p.m. Tuesday. Please refer to the entire schedule below for details about when snow zones will be cleared this week.
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Tuesday, Jan 15 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. | E, F, H, K, P, S, U |
Tuesday, Jan 15 from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Wednesday | B, J, L, M, O, R, V |
Wednesday, Jan 16 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. | A, G, I, N, Q, T |
Wednesday, Jan 16 from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Thursday | D |
Thursday, Jan 17 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. | C |
“The City is urging motorists to move their vehicles, when their zone is scheduled, to an off-street parking location such as a driveway, parking lot, or nearby street not currently scheduled for clearing,” says Ken Boyd, Manager of the City’s Streets Maintenance Division. ” This will help the plowing operation run smoothly and will prevent their vehicle from being ticketed and towed. When vehicles are parked in violation of the regulations, it impacts the snow clearing operation and no one wants to see streets only partially cleared due to vehicles parked in the way.”
Vehicles parked in violation of the residential parking ban will receive a $150 ticket ($75 if paid early), and may be towed to a nearby street that is not scheduled to be cleared, or that has already been cleared. If you believe your vehicle may have been towed due to the residential parking ban, please contact 311 for assistance in locating it. There will not be warning notifications during the upcoming Residential Parking Ban. Tickets will be issued and vehicles may be towed if parked in violation of the ban.
The Residential Parking Ban applies to specific snow zones across the city in 12-hour shifts that will start at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 15 and continue to 7:00 p.m. Thursday, January 17.
The schedule for clearing in affected snow zones will appear on the City’s website at knowyourzone.winnipeg.ca as of Monday morning, January 14 and automated Twitter messages and emails to subscribers will also begin at that time. The City’s website will also display this information on a map that is updated daily starting this Tuesday, while snow clearing is underway. The map will highlight those residential streets where the ban applies for the current and next shift.
The residential snow zone letters are the same as they were during the November 2012 residential plow. If residents do not know their snow zone, they are urged to visit knowyourzone.winnipeg.ca or call 311 to confirm their letter, and to determine when their snow zone is scheduled to be cleared. The public is also encouraged to sign up in advance for email or Twitter notifications through knowyourzone.winnipeg.ca to find out when designated snow zones are scheduled for clearing.
In 2011 City Council approved changes to improve Winnipeg’s winter parking bans to ensure even more timely and effective clearing of snow and ice from city streets. The most significant change is to the Residential Parking Ban which, when declared, will be in place around-the-clock and will apply in 12-hour shifts, day and night, in designated snow zones across the city.
Plowing operations commenced in accordance with the City Council-approved Snow Clearing and Ice Control Policy, which can be found online at www.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/Snow_Clearing_Policy/default.asp .