Beginning August 1, 2013, those caught talking on hand-held electronic devices or texting while driving will now be subject to demerits on their licenses. Previously, it was only a $200 fine. On top of the fine, you will now receive 2 demerits.
Distracted driving
Using a hand-held cell phone while driving is not only against the law, it can have devastating consequences. In 2010, 31 people were killed in distracted driving collisions on Manitoba roadways.
When you’re behind the wheel, follow these tips to stay safe on the road this summer and avoid a $199.80 fine:
– Use a hands-free device.
– Let calls go to voice mail.
– Have a passenger answer the call.
– Don’t text while driving.
Being distracted for a couple of seconds is all it takes to cause a fatal crash. Keep your focus on the road and do your part to help keep Manitoba’s roads safe.