In 1968, a Hertz Rent-A-Car location was built at 155 Smith Street in downtown Winnipeg. The business lasted until around 1981 when it was renovated and became an East Side Mario’s. After that came a Garbonzo’s, Shangri-La and The Storm restarant.
In 2002, local gay club Giovanni’s Room was looking for a new home and fifth re-location and it became Gio’s.
Gio’s operated for 31 years and in their final location at Smith Street attracted other clubs nearby. In 2013 Gio’s closed, a victim of its own success with other restaurants and clubs offering welcome throughout the downtown. The club has sat empty ever since. It appears to be that is no more.
La Roca Super Macho Taqueria has announced they will be opening sometime in March of 2016. They have begun hiring staff using a contact at Whiskey-Dix as the place to send resumes. This would suggest that Whiskey-Dix owner Wade Salchert may be involved in this venture.
The homecoming of the Manitoba Moose and expansion of the Winnipeg Convention Centre along with additional developments likely means restaurants in the area could see a boost to their numbers.
More to report on this as information comes in.
This has been a guest editorial by John Dobbin.
To read more from John, visit his blog Observations, Reservations, Conversations