Snowboarding season is just around the corner!
Groupon has started selling various lift passes deals to get you ready for the season.
Stony Mountain features six runs that blanket 100 ft. of vertical drop at a ski and snowboarding area serviced by a rope tow and a handle tow.
Purchase Options:
- $65 for lift passes and equipment rental for two ($117.50 value)
- $125 for lift passes and equipment rental for four ($235 value)
- $179 for 2016-17 Season Pass for one ($350 value)
Promotional value expires Mar 15, 2017. Amount paid never expires. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift. Valid only for option purchased. Season length dependent on weather. All lift passes must be used same day. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services. [GROUPON]