In 2016 there were 101 fatal collisions that resulted in 112 deaths making it the deadliest year on Manitoba roadways since 2006.
“2016 was a tragic year for road fatalities in Manitoba,” said Crown Services Minister Ron Schuler. “Not since 2006 have we lost as many people in motor vehicle collisions and our sincere condolences go out to the families and friends of the 112 Manitobans who lost their lives in roadway crashes.”
19 Manitobans also lost their lives in snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle incidents in 2016.
Safety Tips Which Could Save a Life
- Have a plan before you head out for an evening of partying. Take a cab home or have a designated driver selected beforehand.
- If you must text or answer the phone, pull your vehicle over to a safe area. Texting while driving takes your eyes off the road and significantly increases the chance of being involved in a collision.
- Never get into a vehicle with a driver who has been drinking or consuming drugs. It could be the last thing you do.
- Speed kills! Be aware of the posted speed limit and drive to road and weather conditions.
- Buckle up – every time, whether you’re a driver or passenger, and no matter how short your trip is. It takes one second and could very well save your life.
Drive safe Winnipeg!