No, you won’t be able to buy that juicy burger from Carl’s Jr. But starting with Super Bowl LI, you’ll be able to enjoy and laugh at all the commercials with the rest of the United States.
Last August, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) banned Simultaneous Substitution, which allows Ball/CTV to replace the U.S. commercials with their own in order to gain more ad revenue.
Though this is great news for viewers, it’s could be a disaster for the Canadian economy. American companies will now get additional exposure to millions of Canadian viewers at no additional cost. Bell/CTV is predicting millions of dollars in lost revenue and Canadian companies will no longer have the option to buy an ‘Ad Spot’ during the big game.
They’ve been appealing the decision since it was announced. The NFL also went to President Trump on behalf of Bell and tried to get him to intervene. [DEADSPIN]