The former home of Moule at Academy Road and Niagara shut down this year and was promptly demolished. Presently before zoning is a plan to build a new two floor building with the retail store Loka Boutique occupying the first floor and a physiotherapy clinic taking the second floor.
Parking will remain limited along the side but street parking on Academy can accommodate a number of cars. Loka Boutique is presently located on Corydon Avenue at Waterloo Street but for a time was on Academy Road near Lanark Street until it and combined with a Richardson Concourse location in 2014.
River Heights continues to see growth of the commercial sector along Academy. This past year saw controversy over a medical clinic going up near Borebank Street.
The new business should not be as much of a concern as it replaces a business that was already there.
Local businesses that actually serve the local area are probably less of a burden than traffic that races through destined for somewhere else. And as far as parking in the area, this is a reflection that many homeowners own two, three or four cars in a family that do not fit in the generally one car garages ob the neighbourhood. Hence, thousands of cars parked between Wellington Crescent and Taylor in all of River Heights in front of homes.
Loka Boutique and a physiotherapy clinic are likely to be up sometime in 2018.
This has been a editorial by John Dobbin.
To read more from John, visit his blog Observations, Reservations, Conversations