Today is the last day to claim a FREE Superstore gift card.
Loblaw, who owns the Real Canadian Superstore, discovered that Canadians were being overcharged for bread between January 1, 2002 and March 1, 2015.
In response, they’re offering eligible customers a $25 Loblaw Card which can be used at Superstore locations in Winnipeg. Registering will not affect a customers’ right to participate in any class action or to receive any incremental compensation that may be awarded by the court.
You are eligible if you are 18 years or older and have ever purchased the following products at Superstore:
- Ben’s Bread
- Bon Matin Bread
- Country Harvest Bread
- Dempster’s Bread
- D’Italiano Bread
- Gadoua Bread
- McGavin’s Bread
- No Name Bread
- Old Mill Bread
- POM Bread
- Weston Bread
- Wonder Bread
Proof of purchase isn’t required. To register, visit https://www.loblawcard.ca.