Image by seattlemunicipalarchives
City of Winnipeg outdoor pools and wading pools are set to open on Friday, June 29, 2018 (weather permitting).
Heated Pools (admission fee applies):
- Fort Garry Lion’s
- St. Vital
- Westdale
Unheated Pools (free admission):
- Freight House
- Happyland
- Norwood
- Provencher
- Windsor Park
Wading Pools
- The 81 City of Winnipeg wading pools will open on a staggered basis beginning Sunday, July 1 and Monday, July 2.
The following wading pools will open on Canada Day, weather permitting
- Central Park
- Dakota Park
- Machray Park
- Shaughnessy Park
- Sturgeon Heights Community Centre
- Vimy Ridge Memorial Park
- West Kildonan Memorial Community Centre
- Westdale
Have a great summer Winnipeg!