A new Middle Eastern restaurant is opening on 1324 Portage Ave.
In the windows at Portage Avenue at Craig Street is the promise of Blady Middle Eastern coming soon. And the signage has gone up on the building. The previous tenants, a window and door company, a hobby shop and a restaurant, all have re-located in the last year.
There has been an influx of Middle Eastern, Arab and African cuisine in recent years as immigration as refugee numbers have risen. This is a common phenomenon with different groups looking to make a mark in private business. The way for the whole family to be involved is often a restaurant. And so it has gone with Chinese, Indian, Italian, Greek and Portuguese families to list just a few.
Winnipeg has had an embarrassment of riches food-wise. This addition is fairly sizable on part of the street that has electronics (Advance) and music stores (Yamaha).
The Portage Avenue, Polo Park area has seen a burst of Middle Eastern fare go up. It is difficult to know if this is a result of any particular trend or of the reasons for it.
More information on menu when they are up and running!
This has been a guest editorial by John Dobbin.
To read more from John, visit his blog Observations, Reservations, Conversations