Save more energy in 2020 with these great deals! Efficiency Manitoba replaced Manitoba Hydro’s Power Smart last year and continues to save Manitobans hundreds of dollars.
2020’s deals include:
- Smart Thermostats: $50 Rebate on Select Energy Star Certified Smart Thermostats
- Clothes Washers: $100 Rebate On Select Energy Star Certified Clothes Washers
- Clothes Washer/Dryer Pairs: $150 Rebate On Select Energy Star Certified Clothes Washer/Dryer Pairs
- Super-Efficient Refrigerators: $100 Rebate On Select Energy Star Certified Super-Efficient Refrigerators
Click here to view a list of eligible products. Google’s very popular Nest Thermostat is included in the list.
How Does It Work?
First make sure the product you want to but is on the list of eligible products. After your purchase, fill out their online application form to claim your rebate. You can choose to receive your rebate by either Interac e-Transfer or cheque.
Any purchase made after January 30, 2020 is eligible.