Winnipeg has been seeing extreme heat conditions this Summer. Here are some tips on how to stay cool during a heat wave without air conditioning.

Block The Sun

The sun heats the air inside a home. Floors and counters can also absorb that heat and release it over time. Gilmour suggests you use curtains, blinds, awnings, or window film to reduce the amount of direct sunlight hitting your home.

If you own your home, consider planting vines to act as a cooling buffer between the hot sun and your exterior walls.

Tree-shaded areas can be as much as 5ºC cooler than unshaded areas. For a longer-term fix, plant a shade tree. Over time, a strategically placed tree can help cool your home considerably during the day.

Open Windows at Night

When temperatures drop at night, opening your windows can help cool the air inside your home.

As soon as the temperature outside climbs above the temperature indoors, close your windows to help trap the cool air inside.

Add Insulation

Adding more insulation helps keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

If you own an older home with wood chips in the attic, consider adding more insulation to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Both Efficiency Manitoba and the Government of Canada offer insulation rebate programs for qualifying homeowners.

Use Fans

Fans don’t cool the air directly. They move air around.

If you’re using a ceiling fan to cool down, set it to rotate counter-clockwise in the summer to create a downdraft. Remember that fans are most effective at cooling the body in dry heat, and decrease in efficiency as the humidity rises.

You can also place fans strategically around your home to move cool air in and push hot air out. For example, if the air in your basement is cooler, place a fan at the base of the stairs and point it at the main level.

At night, if you need a little help moving cool air into your bedroom from an open window, open a window across your home. Then grab a fan, face it outward, and turn it on. Window fans can also be helpful here. This approach uses air pressure throughout your home to push hot air out, while creating space to allow cool air to rush into the bedroom you want to cool.

Placing a bowl of ice or ice pack in front of a fan can mimic a cool breeze without the A/C.

Eliminate Heat Sources

Replace incandescent lights with energy-efficient ones. The latter produces considerably less heat, and will save money in the long run. If possible, avoid preparing meals that require the oven, and do chores that can create heat and humidity at night, like the laundry and dishwashing.

Move to Cooler Rooms

Some rooms, like the basement, may be cooler. If possible, temporarily arrange to sleep and/or work where it is cooler.

Cool Your Body

Even if you’ve done everything you can to cool your home, you or someone you know may still be feeling overheated.

To cool your body, wear loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing made of breathable fabric. Our spray pads, wading pools, and heated and non-heated pools can also offer relief. If all else fails, get to a cooler spot, such as a basement, or a friend or family’s home with A/C.