With the Canadian Museum of Human Right opening a few weeks ago, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet (RWB) is proud to present a ballet first Going Home Star – Truth and Reconciliation.
The production is based on told and untold stories of aboriginals being put into residential schools and how they were treated, abused and more. The production provides part of a historical background of Canada. “Commissioned by Artistic Director André Lewis, Going Home Star – Truth and Reconciliation explores the world of Annie, a young, urban First Nations woman adrift in a contemporary life of youthful excess. But when she meets Gordon, a longhaired trickster disguised as a homeless man, she’s propelled into a world she’s always sensed but never seen.
Not only do they travel the streets of this place but also the roads of their ancestors, learning to accept the other’s burdens as the two walk through the past and toward the future. Together, both Annie and Gordon learn that without truth, there is no reconciliation” (RWB).
From viewing part of the first act during the public rehearsal a couple weeks ago, I knew that the whole production was going to be a production I will never forget. RWB debuts the production October 1st until October 5th. Tickets can be bought online at Ticketmaster, the RWB website, or at the RWB office. Also RWB offers tickets at a cheaper rate called AccessPointe.
For more information on RWB’s production of Going Home Star or Tickets please visit www.rwb.org.
This has been a guest editorial by Allister Laus.