Waverley Street and Taylor Avenue by the Waverley Underpass project area will be closed this weekend in preparation for traffic moving onto a new detour road while construction of the Waverley Underpass continues.
In order to complete construction of the detour road and active transportation path, the Waverley Underpass project area will be closed to all vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists from Friday, September 29 at 5:30pm to Monday, October 2 at 6:00am.
The road, sidewalks and active transportation pathways will be closed within the following boundaries:
- Waverley Street between Wilkes Avenue/Hurst Way and Mathers Avenue
- Taylor Avenue between Cambridge Street and east of the western Reh-Fit Centre parking lot access
Following this weekend closure, traffic will begin operating on the new detour road. Cyclists and pedestrians will be able to access the new detour active transportation path. As part of the new detour, some turning movements will be restricted for traffic including:
- Eastbound Taylor at Waverley (detour) must turn right
- Northbound Waverley (detour) at Taylor, no left turn
- Southbound Waverley at Taylor, no left turn
The detour road is expected to be in operation for two years while the underpass bridge and roadway are being constructed.