-24.8 C
Saturday, January 4, 2025


Venue: Irish Association of Manitoba 654 Erin Street Winnipeg Our drop-in traditional musical sessions happen every Thursday evening at the Irish Club. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to accomplished musicians. Join in the impromptu sessions. Or, if you just love to listen to Celtic music and enjoy a pint with friends, come on down.

Big Wreck

Venue: Burton Cummings Theatre for the Performing Arts 364 Smith Street Winnipeg

Grant Leutshaft

Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg

GS3: The Naked Voice: Helen Pridmore

Venue: Winnipeg Art Gallery 300 Memorial Boulevard Winnipeg Promoters: Groundswell   A duet with a humpback whale, magical sound worlds, and “I love you” sung in 100 languages…For her final season with GroundSwell, co-founder Diana McIntosh has curated a program that combines live electronics, video, tape, extended vocal techniques, and theatrical elements. The Naked Voice f...

Sarah MacDougall,Ivan Coyote

Venue: Park Theatre 698 Osborne Street Winnipeg Blending song, story, and animations, Trader Time is a haunting and sometimes hilarious multimedia odyssey through the lives and deaths of two very different matriarchs, navigating small town family politics, secrets buried in the permafrost, and growing up queer in a cold, cold place. Named f...

Sweet Alibi,Jonny Moonbeam

Venue: Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club 234 Main Street Winnipeg

Open Mic

Venue: Sam\'s Place 159 Henderson Highway Winnipeg Sam\'s Place has an open mic every other Thursday.  Come by at 6:45pm to sign up and perform a song or two you wrote.

National Philanthropy Day

Save the date for the 2019 National Philanthropy Day luncheon where the Manitoba Philanthropy Awards are presented. https://community.afpglobal.org/afpmanitobachapter/events/eventdescription?CalendarEventKey=e23764e2-b14d-4f2e-abe9-2ab56d42888f&CommunityKey=71086946-e2a0-4576-9c9b-bc3185e06c70&Home=%2fafpmanitobachapter%2fhome

Moose vs. Rampage

Bell MTS Place 300 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada