Leadercast 2020 – Positive Distruption – CANCELLED
Streaming live! https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/leadercast-2020-positive-disruption-live-webcast-tickets-83656321309
Streaming live! https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/leadercast-2020-positive-disruption-live-webcast-tickets-83656321309
Leadercast Live is the largest one-day leadership event in the world. Broadcast live each year from Atlanta to hundreds of Host Sites around the world; LMVA Consulting is proud to be a Host Site in Winnipeg. Learn from world-renowned leadership experts, and connect with others locally. The fee includes coffee, break snacks, meals, reception, a […]
Rescheduled - October 30, 2020 https://westviewdance.ca/gala/
Please contact the organization directly for more information. https://wcisc.ca/
Bridging the gap between rock and classical music, the WSO shows its mettle in a powerful symphonic homage to one of music’s most legendary bands. The renowned Jeans ‘N Classics band and energetic lead singer Michael Schotton performs stapes including When the Levee Breaks, Good Times Bad Times and, of course, the eternal Stairway to […]
Bridging the gap between rock and classical music, the WSO shows its mettle in a powerful symphonic homage to one of music’s most legendary bands. The renowned Jeans ‘N Classics band and energetic lead singer Michael Schotton performs stapes including When the Levee Breaks, Good Times Bad Times and, of course, the eternal Stairway to […]