-12.3 C
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Child Health Research Days

Child Health Research Days is an exciting and unique event focused on innovative child health research happening in Manitoba, Canada, and around the world. Once again, we will be hosting a FREE public event as part of our conference and this year, we are thrilled to be welcoming internationally renowned public speaker, author, and professor, […]

Jets vs. Kings

Bell MTS Place 300 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Bobby Stahr

Venue: Studio Central Cafe 444 Kennedy Street Winnipeg Free Admission

Open Mic: Rory Verbrugge

Venue: Shannon\'s Irish Pub 175 Carlton Street Winnipeg

The Royal Foundry

Venue: The Handsome Daughter 61 Sherbrook Street Winnipeg

Habitat for Humanity Women Build Speaker Series

Breakfast with Dr. Jeannette Montufar, PhD, PEng, PTOE, RSP, Founding Partner & CEO, MORR Transportation Consulting; Co-Founder, TRAINFO https://www.habitat.mb.ca/events-womenbuild-speaker-series.cfm

Jazz at the Station

Venue: Resto Gare and Train Bar 630 Des Meurons Winnipeg