Jonathan Alexiuk
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: Brazen Hall 800 Pembina Hwy Winnipeg
Venue: Forth 171 McDermot Ave Winnipeg Hush Pup makes experimental pop music that sounds a lot like driving at night through the board game Candy Land, soft cotton candy trees brush up against the windows of your glass car as you ride toward a friend’s cabin nearby the molasses swamp. Forming for a show in […]
Venue: Windsor Hotel 187 Garry Street Winnipeg
Bow Ties & Diamonds Gala
Canadian Export Challenge
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: X-Cues Cafe & Lounge 551 Sargent Ave Winnipeg Every Thursday we have alternating hosts running our Sargent Jam! We\'re calling out all musicians to play on our stage, and all music lovers to witness the magic! We\'ll have tasty beers on tap, drink specials & a delicious evening menu featuring panini & dinner specials […]
Venue: Belgian Club 407 Provencher Boulevard Winnipeg