-16 C
Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Royal Foundry

Venue: The Handsome Daughter 61 Sherbrook Street Winnipeg

Bobby Stahr

Venue: Studio Central Cafe 444 Kennedy Street Winnipeg Free Admission

Open Mic: Rory Verbrugge

Venue: Shannon\'s Irish Pub 175 Carlton Street Winnipeg

Habitat for Humanity Women Build Speaker Series

Breakfast with Dr. Jeannette Montufar, PhD, PEng, PTOE, RSP, Founding Partner & CEO, MORR Transportation Consulting; Co-Founder, TRAINFO https://www.habitat.mb.ca/events-womenbuild-speaker-series.cfm

Jazz at the Station

Venue: Resto Gare and Train Bar 630 Des Meurons Winnipeg

Nation of Two,The Wind Ups

Venue: The Garrick 330 Garry Street Winnipeg Anyone interested RSVP to: rsvp@mrgevents.com Subject line:  Garrick Open House Body of email: Name and number of guests attending, and any affiliation if they provide services in our or another field!

Brazilian Vibe

Venue: Resto Gare Restaurant 630 Des Meurons St Winnipeg Brazilian Vibe duo featuring Guylaina and Marco Castillo