Whip,Karoshi,DJ Crabskull
Venue: Into the Music B-245 McDermot Avenue Winnipeg
Venue: Into the Music B-245 McDermot Avenue Winnipeg
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: Westminster United Church 745 Westminster Avenue Winnipeg From Leipgzig, Germany, Sebastian Heindl is the 21 year-old winner of the 2019 Longwood Gardens Competition. We are delighted to present this emerging young artist to open our 31st season. For information, go to: http://westminsterchurch.org/wcos_2017-18/ Tickets are available at McNally Rob...
CancerCare Manitoba presents its Guardian Angel Benefit for Women's Cancer. The evening includes a speaker and fashion show featuring cancer survivors gracing the pink runway. http://support.cancercarefdn.mb.ca/site/Calendar?id=100301&view=Detail
Venue: Forth 171 McDermot Ave Winnipeg Promoters: Winnipeg Music Project The Winnipeg Music Project has partnered with The Songwriters Association of Canada to produce a 10-session songwriters group. The series was created to fulfill a need for stronger creative development opportunities for local songwriters and to begin establishing an effective and notable songwrit...
Venue: Palomino Club 436 Main St. Winnipeg Want to jam, share a song you\'ve been working on, or just connect with local musicians? Drop in and join us every Monday for an acoustic jam and share session. Please bring your own acoustic instrument.
Venue: Crescent Fort Rouge United Church 525 Wardlaw Avenue Winnipeg Promoters: Winnipeg Folk Festival
Venue: West End Cultural Centre 586 Ellice Avenue Winnipeg We use an old cliche to sum up birth, death, and ultimately, the renewals of our human experience: \"the circle of life\". We are perpetually spinning through it, although at times it can feel like we are in a train stuck on the tracks of just […]
Venue: Pyramid Cabaret 176 Fort Street Winnipeg