Leo Gosselin
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: Windsor Hotel 187 Garry Street Winnipeg
Venue: House of Economy 246 Manitoba Avenue Winnipeg 12:00PM Nikki Komaksuitlksak 12:30PM Coehn Sieg 1:00PM Morgan Ginther 1:30PM Barry Gefreiter 2:00PM J3NN 3:00PM Stephen Tower
Venue: Royal George 123 Regent Avenue West Winnipeg
Venue: The Mighty Kiwi 201 Manitoba Avenue Winnipeg
Venue: Head Start Indigenous Performers Stage 222 Manitoba Ave Winnipeg
Venue: Winnipeg South Osborne Legion 436 Osborne Street Winnipeg
Venue: Crescent Fort Rouge United Church 525 Wardlaw Avenue Winnipeg Promoters: Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Canzona members as soloists Bach’s magnificent Magnificat rings in the holiday season with festive choruses and resounding trumpets. This version includes the rarely-heard carol insertions that highlight the Nativity story. Also on the program is Bach’s Cantata No. 147 which features […]