Sweet Alibi,Jonny Moonbeam
Venue: Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club 234 Main Street Winnipeg
Venue: Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club 234 Main Street Winnipeg
Venue: Sam\'s Place 159 Henderson Highway Winnipeg Sam\'s Place has an open mic every other Thursday. Come by at 6:45pm to sign up and perform a song or two you wrote.
Venue: FortWhyte Alive 1961 McCreary Rd Winnipeg Moonlit Melodies
Save the date for the 2019 National Philanthropy Day luncheon where the Manitoba Philanthropy Awards are presented. https://community.afpglobal.org/afpmanitobachapter/events/eventdescription?CalendarEventKey=e23764e2-b14d-4f2e-abe9-2ab56d42888f&CommunityKey=71086946-e2a0-4576-9c9b-bc3185e06c70&Home=%2fafpmanitobachapter%2fhome
Venue: Westminster United Church 745 Westminster Avenue Winnipeg Promoters: Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra A program designed and ideally suited to the intimate surroundings of Westminster United Church and its magnificent Casavant Freres Organ. We will welcome back Sarah Svendson who will show it off in Francis Poulenc’s Organ Concerto, a look back to J.S Bach. Mendelssohn […]
Venue: The Garrick 330 Garry Street Winnipeg
Venue: Trans Canada Brewing Company 1290 Kenaston Blvd #1 Winnipeg
Venue: Prairie Ink McNally Robinson Grant Park 1120 Grant Avenue Winnipeg
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: West End Cultural Centre 586 Ellice Avenue Winnipeg Promoters: The Joyful Project Concert for Socks aims to encourage support and awareness for homelessness and addictions through song, story, and art. This year we are happy to share with you that in addition to a great lineup of local music we will be honored with […]