Festival du Voyageur: Kitchen party
Venue: Fort Gibraltar Winnipeg Promoters: Festival du Voyageur
Venue: Fort Gibraltar Winnipeg Promoters: Festival du Voyageur
Venue: Forest Tent Winnipeg Promoters: Festival du Voyageur 9:45 am Daniel Gervais et Roger Dallaire 11:30 am Daniel Gervais et Roger Dallaire 1:15 pm Daniel Gervais et Roger Dallaire 7:00 pm Dave Quanbury 8:15 pm Étienne Fletcher 9:30 pm FINN 11:00 pm Astralblak
Venue: Caisse Financial Group Sugar Shack Winnipeg Promoters: Festival du Voyageur 6:30 pm Nicolas Pellerin et LES GRANDS HURLEURS 8:00 pm La Raquette à Claquettes 9:30 pm Les Poules à Colin 11:00 pm The F Holes
Venue: Portage Tent Winnipeg Promoters: Festival du Voyageur 7:00 pm Kaya Free 8:15 pm Jacobus 9:30 pm Alaclair Ensemble 11:00 pm VIKINGS
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: Bell Tower Community Café, hosted at Westminster United Church 745 Westminster Avenue at Maryland Street Winnipeg Every second Friday, the Bell Tower Community Café meets to celebrate goodness, kindness, and community. The Bell Tower is more than a food bank. we are a community café experience, with live music, nutritious food and great coffee and tea. Around […]
Venue: Bella Vista 53 Maryland Street Winnipeg
Venue: The Good Will Social Club 625 Portage Avenue Winnipeg
Venue: Sam\'s Place 159 Henderson Highway Winnipeg Comhaltas Ceoloiri Eireann (pronounced coal-tis kyol-tory air-in) is an International Organization dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of Traditional Irish music, dance, language, and culture. Founded in 1951 in Ireland, Comhaltas has grown to encompass four continents, with over 400 bran...
Venue: Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain 340 Provencher Boulevard Winnipeg Festival du voyageur 50e