Easy Streets Originally uploaded by AccessWinnipeg
Dowtown Winnipeg BIZ does an awesome job promoting and support our downtown. They operate a program called Easy Streets which helps subsidize parking, transit, taxi’s and the water bus. This program has been going on since 1991, but most Winnipeggers aren’t aware. Here is the low down:
1. Spend $20 before tax and tip at participating downtown businesses
2. Ask for your Easy Streets blue loonie
3. Use your blue loon for:
Full fare on Winnipeg Transit
One hour off parking at City of Winnipeg parking meters
$1 off parking at over 80 downtown lots
$1 off fare with participating taxi’s and Handi-Helper Transit
$1 off fare on the Splash Dash Water Bus
For more details or to get blue loonies to distribute at your business check out the the website here.